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Protein on OCD

Protein on Obsessive Corbuzier's Diet

Your body only absorbs about 30 grams of protein every time you eat. How does this affect you with an OCD fast, and afterwards when you eat? Will this cause you to loose muscle mass when you fast and eat only 2 or three times in a day, or not at all? Most certainly NOT! Your body is far smarter than that. It will consume the fat and protein reserves and use it to build your muscle, not tear it down.

So what of the theory that says you must eat 5 or 6 times a day to keep up your protein level? According to the manufacturers and salespersons of Supplements it is, and if you believe them, they will love you and you will see their $mile$, as you consume their products to get your 20 grams of protein every 2-3 hours.

In reality, maybe your body works better when protein is available at random times.

The statements from Dr Eades’s blog comments:


“I don’t think that protein will affect muscle mass at all. If you go without food for long periods of time, say, a few days, your metabolic system will convert your muscle mass to alter stored protein into the glucose you need to keep your blood sugar normal. BUT this doesn’t happen if you fast for a short period of time.”

Instead it’s good to burn your fat because your muscle will use recycled junk protein from your fat!

Do you still think that you need periodic protein to build more muscle?

Here's another interesting view of how the body can actuallyuse protein in the diet during fasting by eating only once or twice vs. eating frequently.

A research project cited in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 69, No. 6, 1202-1208, June 1999 was conducted with, 15 elderly women (averaging 68 years in age), 7 of them were fed once a day for 14 days with 80% of the daily protein in the amount of  1200 calories, and the 8 remaining women were given the same amount of daily protein every 3 hours, spread over 4 meals.

The result is that there was a more positive balance of nitrogen with those who ate only once compared with those to ate more frequently.Muscle-forming protein turnover also higher than the group who eat more.

( American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 69, No 6, 1202-1208, June 1999)

Consequently, the group that ate once or rarely increased the balance of nitrogen, protein turnover and protein synthesis, compared to the ones who ate more often. In summary they achieved a more responsive anabolic state. (muscle building state).

“Drink protein immediately after exercise and you will build muscle!” Are you sure?

(As we have heard from one source or another, if you eat immediately after exercise it will increase protein synthesis which builds muscle).

It’s important to know that your body works gradually in long term and not from minute to minute. With that in mind, we should not ignore the larger overall picture of muscle recovery.

Our muscles are not built up in one hour of exercise! Our muscles can be built in 24-48 hours after exercising, while there is food intake any time.

“Even in a fed state, protein and carbohydrate supplementation stimulates muscle protein synthesis during exercise. Ingestion of protein with carbohydrate during and immediately after exercise improves whole-body protein synthesis but does not further augment muscle protein synthesis rates during 9 h of subsequent overnight recovery.”

Source: Coingestion of Carbohydrate and Protein Hydrolysate Stimulates Muscle Protein Synthesis during Exercise in Young Men, with No Further Increase during Subsequent Overnight Recovery; Journal of Nutrition, doi:10.3945/jn.108.092924

This research says that there will be no additional muscle building effectin protein intake immediately after exercise.

Maybe you need direct intake if you are a bodybuilder, but I’m not. I don’t think you are either, so why should you follow a bodybuilder’s style which is to eat brown rice and tasteless chicken breast and bring milk anywhere you go?


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