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My Ways : Muscle or Sales


Let’s talk about protein shakes offered on the main menu at the gym.

If you ever been a member at gym or visited, they might have used scare tactics like this:
  1. After intense weight lifting you must immediately take protein!!
  2. If your body weight is 70 kilograms, you must immediately take in 140 grams of protein.
  3. If you delay taking your protein your muscles will not properly recover and you will destroy muscle tissue instead of building it!

Some even say that using my methods will make your muscles disappear! Oh, really? My muscles are still here.

Emergency! Emergency! Your muscles will be lost if you don’t use our protein supplement right away!

Take a look at who you hear this from. Usually it’s from the trainer who is selling the supplements. Often it’s from a bodybuilder with a very big and muscular body. Will they tell you whether or not they are using steroids? It’s more than likely that they’ll lie about it if you ask.

Protein shake supplements can help the development of muscle . . . especially if you don’t eat regular food which already contains protein.

So if you don’t eat any food and only drink the protein shake, that’s good, but how much of it is needed?

Should you drink it immediately after exercise, or should you drink it every 3 hours?

The answer is NOT!

Let me explain:

More protein doesn’t mean more muscle.

Protein is important for muscle development but it doesn’t mean that only eat more or drink protein supplements will make muscle bigger.

So the question is; How much protein does your body need?

Look at the research. You can google it. The recommended protein intake 0.8 grams per kilogram of adult body weight.

Simply expressed, to avoid muscle loss, women need at least 46 grams of protein a day and men need at least 56 grams of protein a day.

This is far lower than what you hear out there from other people or from most nutritionists.
Certainly, if you exercise a lot, the suggested daily dose of protein will need to be increased.
What is also important to remember that the overall calorie intake also increased with the level of activity. So basically, the more you do your activity so the more total calories needed, that’s the logic right?


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