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Facts!!! How Good Having : CHOLESTEROL



The doctor takes a blood sample and sends it to a lab. The lab sends back the results. If the total amount of your LDL and HDL levels are high, the doctor writes you a prescription for drugs. 


When you are in for a cholesterol check, request an in-depth detailed examination.
Find out how much LDL type A and type B that you have, but more important, find out how much Lp(a) you have so you know how much danger you are in. 

Lp(a) is a low-density lipoprotein type, or LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. A high level of Lp(a) can cause plaque to form in your arteries. This type of cholesterol buildup restricts the flow of blood through your arteries. A high level of Lp(a) can be an indicator of cholesterol-related disease, such as coronary artery disease. Research has found it to be an independent risk factor for heart disease, even though it is not been defined exactly how the information can be used in routine treatment. 

 The point is that knowing only your LDL isn’t enough to say whether or not you are at risk to get heart disease.



Eat no more than 300 mg of cholesterol in one day. Your total food intake for the day should never exceed 10% in order to reduce your cholesterol levels. 


According to research done in the Framingham Heart Study, the amount of cholesterol in the blood of people who consumed food containing high or low cholesterol content had no effect on the amount of cholesterol in their blood. Every person is unique and most people are unaffected by the amount of cholesterol they consume in their food. 

Even when there is a noticeable effect, the difference was in the HDL (good) and not in the LDL. (bad) To this day, there is no evidence that fatty foods influences heart disease except for those foods that contain TRANS FAT, SUGAR AND OMEGA 6. 

This is the history:

When The National Cholesterol Education in 2004 suggested a reduction of cholesterol, 8 out of 9 people at that agency were representing cholesterol drug companies.

Again, I have to remind you that if you read my writing, or if you get advice from your doctor you should always be critical and check the sources of their information. Google is your best resource to find the truth. 

This controversy first began when a Russian scientists provided a number of experiments on rabbits by feeding them high cholesterol food and then dissected them to see what they would find. What they found was a great deal of plaque in the arteries identical to the plaque in the arteries in patients who had died of heart failure. 

What they failed to point out is that a rabbit is a strict herbivore, and that it had been fed with high cholesterol food. What’s wrong with this picture?

When the same experiments were conducted on mice or monkeys, the results were quite different. Even the key researchers declared in 1997 that there was no connection between the cholesterol in the food and the cholesterol in the body, unless of course you happen to be a rabbit.

John Yudkin a doctor from the British University of London said that “according to the latest data, most heart disease is caused by SUGAR.”


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